
Childcare Programs in Search

Staff Product Designer at Winnie from April 2021 to March 2023

Winnie is a childcare marketplace for parents and caregivers to find all sorts of care for their children. Adding childcare programs to search results made this even easier.


  1. Adding childcare programs to search increased engagement via click-through rates from parents, and referrals to childcare providers.
  2. Requiring age saw more accurate results for parents, resulting in higher enrollment for providers.
  3. Putting age, price relativity, and opening status in the same relative spots made information skimming easier.


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  1. Only focusing on location created poor referrals.
  2. Imbalance between SEO and user needs created lack of trust.
  3. Lacked visual hierarchy.


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  1. Showing relationship between program and location resulted in better referrals to providers.
  2. The SEO rankings were maintained, which means the robits were happy, and the parents were able to find childcare much more efficiently.
  3. Emphasis on openings, age range, and price relativity made for faster exploration.
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Additional Work

Staff Product Designer, Token System Developer, User Researcher

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